Tag: Female ADHD

Elite sport and female ADHD- Simone Biles- Dr. Asad Raffi explores Simon Biles ADHD

Elite sport and female ADHD- Simone Biles

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions worldwide, but its manifestation and diagnosis in females present unique challenges. This article explores the intersection of ADHD in females, particularly in elite sports where it is overrepresented and within the BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic) community. Using the extraordinary journey of […]

Impact of ADHD on females across lifespan- Sanctum Healthcare explains

Impact of ADHD on females across lifespan

Problems, features or conditions seen in females with ADHD Co-occurring functional problems, associated features or conditions commonly seen in addition to ADHD symptoms in girls and women with ADHD, presented along with age-ranges for detection. These may serve as triggers to help to identify individuals who may require assessment for ADHD. Click on the tab […]

Oestrogen and Dopamine New Blog Article from Sanctum Healthcare

Oestrogen and Dopamine

Oestrogen is like a multitasking superhero for your brain. It protects brain cells, helps you remember and learn, balances important brain chemicals, improves your mood, reduces anxiety, and keeps the structure of your brain in good shape. All these actions make oestrogen crucial for keeping your brain healthy and functioning well, especially during different stages […]

Navigating ADHD Diagnosis: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Assessed with Sanctum Healthcare

Navigating ADHD Diagnosis: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Assessed

Introduction to ADHD Diagnosis Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common yet often misunderstood condition that affects both children and adults. Obtaining a proper diagnosis can be pivotal in managing symptoms effectively and improving overall quality of life. This article aims to demystify the process of getting an ADHD diagnosis, offering practical advice on navigating the […]

Why getting an ADHD diagnosis is so important- Sanctum Healthcare explains

Why getting an ADHD diagnosis is so important

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common condition that is thought to affect around 2.6 million people in the UK today. It is a neurological condition that affects both children and adults and of this figure, a mere 10-20% of individuals will be treated. ADHD can present many challenges in family and work life, education, […]

Why wasn’t I diagnosed with ADHD as a child- Sanctum Healthcare explains

Why wasn’t I diagnosed with ADHD as a child?

ADHD was traditionally thought of as a child’s condition and something that would usually be outgrown by adulthood Fast-forward a few decades and we now have a far better understanding of how different ADHD can present in men, women, and children. Around 2.6 million people in the UK are thought to have ADHD, making up […]

Does ADHD mean my brain works differently- Sanctum Healthcare explains

Does ADHD mean my brain works differently?

If you have ADHD or are wondering whether you have it, you may feel somehow different to others or that your brain must work differently because of the traits you possess. However, ADHD can be an extremely positive condition to have and adds to a wonderful mix of neurodivergent people we have around us, making […]

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