Tag: Male ADHD

Navigating ADHD Diagnosis: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Assessed with Sanctum Healthcare

Navigating ADHD Diagnosis: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Assessed

Introduction to ADHD Diagnosis Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common yet often misunderstood condition that affects both children and adults. Obtaining a proper diagnosis can be pivotal in managing symptoms effectively and improving overall quality of life. This article aims to demystify the process of getting an ADHD diagnosis, offering practical advice on navigating the […]

Why getting an ADHD diagnosis is so important- Sanctum Healthcare explains

Why getting an ADHD diagnosis is so important

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common condition that is thought to affect around 2.6 million people in the UK today. It is a neurological condition that affects both children and adults and of this figure, a mere 10-20% of individuals will be treated. ADHD can present many challenges in family and work life, education, […]

Why wasn’t I diagnosed with ADHD as a child- Sanctum Healthcare explains

Why wasn’t I diagnosed with ADHD as a child?

ADHD was traditionally thought of as a child’s condition and something that would usually be outgrown by adulthood Fast-forward a few decades and we now have a far better understanding of how different ADHD can present in men, women, and children. Around 2.6 million people in the UK are thought to have ADHD, making up […]

Does ADHD mean my brain works differently- Sanctum Healthcare explains

Does ADHD mean my brain works differently?

If you have ADHD or are wondering whether you have it, you may feel somehow different to others or that your brain must work differently because of the traits you possess. However, ADHD can be an extremely positive condition to have and adds to a wonderful mix of neurodivergent people we have around us, making […]

ADHD: Why can I only focus at night- Sanctum Healthcare explains

ADHD: Why can I only focus at night?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is an extremely common neurological condition that can affect people’s behaviour In particular, it affects the parts of the brain that help us to concentrate, focus and execute tasks. It is thought that ADHD affects around 1.8 million adults in the UK today and there are often adults and […]

There are many types of perfectionism within ADHD and many signs to look out for. We go through these signs and how to cope.

ADHD and perfectionism

When we think of someone with ADHD, the stereotype that comes to mind is someone that races through tasks, ignores details and rarely gives much thought to the outcome However, perfectionism is surprisingly, strongly linked to ADHD. According to the American Psychological Association (APA) “Perfectionism is the tendency to demand of others or oneself, an […]

How can ADHD affect romantic relationships? Sanctum Healthcare looks at all aspects of ADHD in measuring in it's impact.

How can ADHD affect romantic relationships?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects people’s behaviour. In the UK, around 1.8 million adults have been diagnosed as having ADHD, but these numbers could be much higher as ADHD often goes undiagnosed. There are three subtypes of ADHD: the first is characterised by hyperactivity and impulsivity, the second inattentiveness, […]

ADHD: What exactly is hyperfocus- Sanctum Healthcare explains

ADHD: What exactly is hyperfocus?

It is often claimed that individuals with ADHD have the ability to ‘laser focus’ on a task, and as a result are able to complete much more, much faster, than those without this trait. This is especially true of subjects that the individual is especially interested in. This ability is usually referred to as “hyperfocus”, […]

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