Female ADHD and ASD Assessment

Female-Specific ADHD and Autism Assessment

Hormone impacts across life stages in ADHD/Autism

Enhancing diagnostic assessment in females across the lifespan from puberty to menopause and beyond.


“life-altering” impact in the menopause unleashes ADHD


have PMS and/or PMDD during menstrual cycle


Memory/mood issues with hormonal change

How hormones impact women with ADHD

Advanced assessments for ADHD and ASD

Oestrogen and Dopamine

Oestrogen is the female sex hormone. It also manages neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine, which is central to executive functioning & ADHD; serotonin (mood) and acetylcholine (memory). Fluctuations in oestrogen affect all women but are often felt more acutely in women with ADHD.

Oestrogen levels drop

Debilitating challenges during the marked hormonal shifts of puberty, pregnancy, postpartum (the time after childbirth), perimenopause and menopause. In the 7-10 days before the period is due, ADHD symptoms worsen. ADHD symptoms often unleash at the time of menopause.

Symptoms of ADHD worsen

Distractibility, attentional difficulties, difficulty sleeping, overthinking, impulsivity, irritability, increasingly sensitive, emotional challenges, trying to self sooth using food, shopping, alcohol or even drugs like cannabis. There is often impact on work, studying, relationships and social connections.

How women present differently in ADHD and Autism

ADHD and ASD is commonly misunderstood and often overlooked in women, leading to a range of challenges that can impact their entire lives. Traditionally seen as a disorder primarily affecting boys, ADHD and ASD in girls and women frequently goes undiagnosed because their symptoms differ from the classic behaviours typically observed in males.

The Struggle of ADHD in Females​

Less visible, internalized behaviours, such as inattention, emotional dysregulation, and a quieter form of hyperactivity.

Social Challenges- feel alienated and struggle with social interactions, leading to difficulties in forming and maintaining friendships.

Emotional Dysregulation- Emotional symptoms include uncontrolled anger, mood swings, sensitivity to perceived criticism and difficulty managing emotions.

Self-Esteem and Self-Blame- Misattributing ADHD-related difficulties to personal failings and experience chronic self-blame and low self worth.

Family Relationship Difficulties- strained due to misunderstandings and emotional discord.

Romantic Relationships- issues in emotional intimacy, communication and maintaining a balance of closeness and individual identity.

Coping Mechanism- To manage their emotional and social difficulties, women with undiagnosed ADHD may resort to maladaptive coping strategies, including substance abuse and risky sexual behaviours.

The Struggle of Autism/ASD in Females​

Females on the autism spectrum often display certain characteristics that can differ from the typical presentations seen in males.

Diagnostic Rate and Age: Female ASD is diagnosed less frequently and at a later age compared to males, due to the symptom subtlety and diagnostic bias

Symptom Presentation: Females display less obvious restricted interests and repetitive behaviours.

Internalizing vs. Externalizing Behaviors: Females with ASD tend to exhibit more internalizing behaviours (e.g., anxiety, depression), which masks ASD.

Social Interaction: Females with ASD might engage more in social mimicry or camouflaging to fit in, often leading to exhaustion and later detection.

Sensory Sensitivity: Adult females with ASD report higher sensory sensitivity.

Camouflaging Behaviours: Females with ASD typically camouflage their symptoms more frequently and across more situations.

Friendship Dynamics: Females with ASD are more likely to be neglected by peers, while males are more often rejected.

ADHD in females often remains undetected, leading to significant impacts. Their symptoms, more internalized than males, challenge daily life and mental health. At Sanctum, we advocate for a gender-sensitive approach in diagnosis and treatment.

Hormonal Testing

Understanding the Female Perspective

Women and girls with ADHD or ASD often experience their symptoms differently from their male counterparts, which can lead to misdiagnosis or late diagnosis. Recognizing this, we offer a specialized assessment approach that considers the unique presentation of ADHD and ASD in females, including the impact of hormonal changes.

The Role of Hormonal Testing

Hormonal fluctuations can significantly affect ADHD and ASD symptoms in females. Our approach includes hormonal testing to understand these impacts better and tailor management strategies that align with your physiological makeup. We understand the impact of sex hormones, stress and adrenal response, sleep hormones and gut health and how they correlate with your symptoms and subsequently have we can direct your truly individualised management plan. 

Our assessment packages

  • 11-18
  • Adult
  • Adult
  • Adult
StagePost PubertalHormonal cycles activePerimenopauseMenopausal
ADHD Assessment
ASD Assessment
ADHD Screening
ASD Screening
Female sensitive questions
Women's physical health
Menstrual cycle tracker
Menopause assessment
Emotional regulation
Coping mechanisms
Self esteem
Social anxiety assessment
Awareness of bodily sensations
Difficulties describing emotions
Book NowBook NowBook Now Book NowBook Now
  • 11-18
  • Adult
  • Adult
  • Adult
StagePost PubertalHormonal cycles activePerimenopauseMenopausal
ADHD Assessment
ASD Assessment
ADHD Screening
ASD Screening
Female sensitive questions
Women's physical health
Menstrual cycle tracker
Menopause assessment
Emotional regulation
Coping mechanisms
Self esteem
Social anxiety assessment
Awareness of bodily sensations
Difficulties describing emotions
Book NowBook NowBook Now Book NowBook Now
  • 11-18
  • Adult
  • Adult
  • Adult
StagePost PubertalHormonal cycles activePerimenopauseMenopausal
ADHD Assessment
ASD Assessment
ADHD Screening
ASD Screening
Female sensitive questions
Women's physical health
Menstrual cycle tracker
Menopause assessment
Emotional regulation
Coping mechanisms
Self esteem
Social anxiety assessment
Awareness of bodily sensations
Difficulties describing emotions
Book NowBook NowBook Now Book NowBook Now
  • 11-18
  • Adult
  • Adult
  • Adult
StagePost PubertalHormonal cycles activePerimenopauseMenopausal
ADHD Screening
ASD Screening
Women's physical health
Menopause assessment
Book NowBook NowBook Now Book NowBook Now

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Offering next day assessments for ADHD and Autism

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0161 768 7634




3, The Beeches, Beech Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5ER

Working Hours

Mon to Fri: 9 am – 5 pm

Weekends, Bank holidays: Closed

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